Exhibitor tables (6 ft. by 30 inch, draped and skirted) will be available to display sponsor exhibits at the Northeastern Plant, Pest, and Soils Conference (NEPPSC) on a first-come first-served basis. Tables may be reserved for a fee of $500 per table. One chair is provided with each table. Exhibits may be set up on Monday evening and removed by Thursday noon.
Each sponsor of NEPPSC who contributes $3,000 or more to support conference events such as receptions or coffee breaks will be offered a complimentary exhibitor table.
To sponsor a NEPPSC event or to reserve an exhibitor table please contact Kurt Vollmer kvollmer@udel.edu . The deadline to reserve an exhibit table is December 15th. For AV amenities, contact the hotel directly.
Make checks payable to:
Northeastern Weed Science Society
c/o Kurt Vollmer, Treasurer
University of Delaware Carvel REC
16483 County Seat Hwy
Georgetown, DE 19947